Tuesday, January 22, 2008

¡Órale! She's talkin our language, homes!

A lesson in the fine art of pandering from Hillary Clinton:

All of our problems are interconnected, but we treat them as though one is guacamole and one is chips when...they both go together. - Hillary Clinton, showing just how down with the batos she is, Las Vegas, January 10 2008
But it turns out that this is in fact part of a larger strategy to reach a variety of different ethnic and cultural groups with highly-specific, targeted messages. Here are some examples of different food stereotypes that the Senator can use to suit the message to the audience:

African-American : "All of our problems are interconnected, but we treat them as though one is chitlins and one is grits."

African-American (alternative): "All of our problems are interconnected, but we treat them as though one is chicken and one is waffles."

Jewish: Manaschewitz, Chinese food (brisket may be substituted)

Irish: Guinness, Jameson + Bailey's in a shot glass

Gay: Mimosas, brie

Gluten-free vegan: Spelt bread, soy milk

Recovering cannibal: Hufu, chianti

Klingon: Chech'tluth, Torgud gagh

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